Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Please carefully read it. It includes important information on the processing of your personal data and your rights under current regulations on the matter.  
We reserve the right to update our privacy policy at any time for reasons of opportunity as well as to comply with any legislative or jurisprudential changes. If you have any questions or need any clarifications with respect to our privacy policy or your rights, you may contact this office through the channels indicated below.
You hereby declare that the data you provide us either now or in the future are correct and accurate and undertake to communicate any modification to them. If third-party personal data are provided, you undertake to obtain prior consent from the data subjects and inform them of the content of this policy.
In general, the fields on our forms marked as required must be completed in order to process your requests. If you do not do so, this office may not be able to fulfil your request. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Full or partial reproduction of this page or the content on it without express authorization from the owner is prohibited.

Owner of the page and personal data controller

The owner of this website and the controller of personal data processing is CAP VERMELL GRAND HOTEL:
Tax identification number B57598476.
Registered address: Avenida des Cap Vermell 153 07589 Canyamel-Capdepera (Mallorca)
Postal address: Urb. Atalaya de Canyamel, Vial A, 12, 07589. Canyamel-Capdepera (Mallorca)
Contact phone number: +34 871 811 222
Contact email:

Registration details on file with the Trade Register of Mallorca: Volume 2210 Book 0 Section 8 Folio 45 Page number PM54708

The party responsible for sending electronic communications and information on CAP VERMELL GRAND HOTEL activities and promotions

Tax identification number B57598476.
Registered address: Avenida des Cap Vermell 153 07589 Canyamel-Capdepera (Mallorca)
Postal address: Urb. Atalaya de Canyamel, Vial A, 12, 07589. Canyamel-Capdepera (Mallorca)
Contact phone number: +34 871 811 222
Contact email:

Why do we collect and process your data?

  • Processing via the website.

  • Data collected through the contact form or through an option to leave a message: the personal data you voluntarily provide us with through the contact form or by leaving a message will only be used to answer the question posed therein and monitor your satisfaction with our response.

Processing via Cap Vermell Grand Hotel

  • Data collected on the registration form: the data will be used to manage your registration as guest of the hotel, to provide the services you request as well as for billing and payments.

  • Commercial communications: if you authorize us to do so by ticking the box provided on any of the forms provided by Cap Vermell Grand Hotel, we will send you information via electronic means on activities, special offers and promotions from the hotel and its outlets.

  • Data collection from surveys: the data will be used to know the preferences of our possible customers and guests and to contact them to communicate special offers related to our resort by phone.

  • To whom do we communicate your data?
    We will not assign any of the data you provide us with except when there is a legal obligation to do so or when necessary to provide the services you request.

Legal basis of data processing and assignment.

  • The legal basis for the processing we do with the data you provide us via the contact form or the option of leaving a message derives from your consent (article 6.1.a GDPR) and our legitimate interest in responding to your requests and monitoring your satisfaction with our response (art. 6.1.f GDPR). You may revoke this consent at any time yet without any retroactive effects.

  • The legal basis for the processing we do with the data you provide us via the registration form at Cap Vermell Grand Hotel, by visiting one or our restaurant or leisure outlets or by participating in our activities derives from the establishment of a contractual relationship with you (art. 6.1.b GDPR).

  • The legal basis to send you electronic communications with news, commercial information and promotions derives from your consent (article 1.6.a GDPR). You may revoke this consent at any time yet without any retroactive effects by writing to the address mentioned in the paragraph on your rights or by using the mechanism provided for this purpose with each electronic commercial communication.

  • The legal basis for processing the data collected from surveys derives from our legitimate interest in improving our services and offering you special promotions related to our establishment (art. 6.1.f GDPR).

How long will we save your data?

  • Contact and leave a message: we save your data for the time necessary to respond to the requests or matters you raise and to monitor your satisfaction with our response.

  • Cap Vermell Grand Hotel registration: we save your data for the duration of the contractual relationship with us and, in any case, until we receive payment for our services.
    Electronic communications: we save your data until you revoke consent to receiving them.
    Please note that in all of the above cases, we will also save the data for the periods provided for by applicable law in each case and the time necessary to handle any liabilities deriving from the processing.

  • Surveys: we will save your data for a period of one year unless you exercise your right to object before the end of this period.

Data protection rights.

Under the terms of current regulations, you may exercise your rights of access, objection, rectification, deletion, portability and restriction of processing with the data controller company by sending a request accompanied by a copy of your official ID to the postal address indicated in the first section of this information or by emailing it to
Moreover, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency or, if you reside in another European Union country, with the control authority in your country, if you do not agree with our processing of your data.
You may find more information on how to exercise your rights or file a complaint by consulting the Spanish Data Protection Agency website:

Security measures

CAP VERMELL HOTEL S.L.U. undertakes to comply with its confidentiality obligation in relation to your personal data and its obligation to save them and take all necessary measures to avoid the unauthorized alteration, loss, processing or access pursuant to applicable regulations.

Social media accounts

This company has an account/channel in the following social networks:

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • YouTube

  • LinkedIn

The aim of all of them is based on our legitimate interest (art. 61.f GDPR) to disseminate our products, launch new collections, celebrate events we organize and interact with our followers either through direct messages or by exchanging comments on our publications.

By becoming a follower or fan in any of them, you consent 1) to the processing of your personal data in the scope of the respective social network pursuant to its privacy policies and terms of use; 2) to our access to the data contained in the fan/follower list and 3) to the news published by us appearing on your wall/account if the social network policy so allows.

Cap Vermell Hotel S.L.U. may publish photographs and videos obtained during events it may organize on its accounts.

We will not use the data for any other purpose or to send additional information. If you wish to stop following us, you must do so by using the corresponding option available for each of the social networks through which you follow us. 

We reserve the right to eliminate any content that appears on your social network accounts if any complaint in relation to it is received either with respect to the content in and of itself or the lack of authorization for the use thereof. 

If photographs in which people appear are uploaded to the page, you declare that you obtained their consent to do so in advance. 

The audiovisual material will be cancelled when the information is obsolete or is of no relevance or public interest or when the deletion thereof is requested by the data subject. 

You are expressly informed that the tools that support said social networks are not operated by us but rather by the respective owners of those networks and, therefore, this company has no control over any processing they do with the data supplied when the social network is used or the privacy policies they establish.

If you wish to exercise the rights recognized by data protection regulations in effect in relation to those accounts, please check the corresponding section of this privacy policy.

Intellectual property/trademarks

Reproducing, copying, using, distributing, commercializing, publicly communicating or any other activity that may be done with the information contained on these websites without express authorization from Cap Vermell Grand Hotel and/or the owners of the trademarks is a violation that is punishable by current law.

The names and logotypes used on these pages are registered trademarks owned by Cap Vermell Grand Hotel. Cap Vermell Grand Hotel is not liable in any way for any improper use of the content on these pages and reserves the right to update it, delete it, establish limitations or restrict access to it at any time either temporarily or permanently.